Main Information
  • Year Founded: 2020
  • Service Types: Machine translation & post-editing, Translation and Localization services, Translation Management Systems
  • Industry Specialties: Automotive & aviation, Beauty & wellness, Chemical industry, Consumer goods, Copywriting & content creation
  • Ownership: Privately-owned
  • Company Type: LSP (Language Services Provider)
  • Number of employees in the latest fiscal year: 25
  • Proprietary language technology: No
  • Type of language technology: Translation management system

Shoreline Translation Company is renowned in Dubai for its exceptional translation services. Not only do they offer a multitude of languages, but their team also consists of highly experienced professionals with extensive knowledge of the legal and professional terminology used in documents. The company utilizes cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence to ensure accurate translations even when presented with complex linguistic concepts. They offer speedy delivery within 24-hour frames, which allows them to provide excellent customer service, particularly appealing to businesses with tight timelines. In addition to all of this, they understand the importance of confidentiality while dealing with sensitive documents, offering their services at the most competitive prices in town, making Shoreline Translation Company undoubtedly one of the best translation companies in Dubai.

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