Main Information
  • Year Founded: 2021
  • Service Types: Translation and Localization services, Blogs, Interpreting, Consulting, Education & e-learning, Machine translation & post-editing, Translation Management Systems
  • Industry Specialties: Work for private entities & individuals
  • Ownership: Privately-owned
  • Company Type: LSP (Language Services Provider), Language Technology Provider
  • Number of employees in the latest fiscal year: 7
  • Proprietary language technology: No
  • Type of language technology: Translation management system, Machine translation, Remote simultaneous interpreting

Kabod Group International is a consulting firm that provides knowledge management, e-learning, and language services in Africa and beyond. Kabod Group has inimitable experts in the fields of translation, interpretation, localization, and transcreation to provide excellent services that match world standards and speak to the target audience. As a matter of fact, we are well equipped to help our clients bridge all linguistic and cultural barriers and globalize their content effectively and efficiently while preserving its original meaning. We speak the language you speak and the language of your targeted audience! Above all, we also offer translation and interpretation services in African languages!
Our language professionals have in- depth knowledge in e-learning, international development, civil society, culture, education, business, Science, legal documents, proposals, manuals, technology, economy, finance, software, literature, social media, health, engineering, marketing, military, computers, biotechnology, chemical, Cosmetics, agriculture, patents, aerospace, environment, telecommunications, and e-commerce.

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